Backup and recovery Blog

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Now Available to All Businesses

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Progression-Oracle customer engagement event on ExaData and Security

Progression recently conducted a customer engagement event at The Crown Plaza, Gurgaon. The focus of the event was on Engineered Systems and Latest technology offered by Oracle. The event was very informative a...

Blog Cloud

Cloud Adoption Up, and Growing, say survey reports

Cloud adoption is growing in India. And as one of the leading cloud service providers, we see that in the market. But then we are not the only ones saying that. Forrester Consulting’s survey of 1220 Indian corp...

Blog Cloud Security

Cloud for SMBs: Security – the biggest question and the truth

One of the biggest questions in the minds of businesses today is: How secure will our proprietary data and services be once they are moved to the cloud? But is this a question that should hold these companies b...

Blog SMB

ITaaS for SMBs: The Right Choice

IT as  Service (ITaaS) is now a reality for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). SMBs face a unique set of challenges: low working capital, lack of expertise, difficulty in attracting and retaining IT tale...


Progression wins it again in 2nd year

Progression does it again 2nd year in a row At a glittering VMware India Annual Partner Sales Meet at Goa in January’11, VMware announced Progression’s achievement as an outstanding technology partn...

Blog News

Tech Wizard and Best Sales Awards

Progression wins 2 prestigious awards from VMware VMware recognized their partners and announced Progression’s outstanding achievement in the following areas. With maximum number of certified VCPs in the...