What is DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service) & How It Ensures Business Continuity

According to MunichRe, 2018 was the fourth-costliest year for natural disasters in the global history. And only half of the total cost of $160 billion was insured. The year 2017 was worse. That natural disaster season cost the U.S. economy a record $307 billion. IDC’s Worldwide Business Resilience Readiness Thought Leadership Survey uncovered that “93% […]
Road to Business Continuity: Backup vs Disaster Recovery

Backup and Disaster Recovery, both go hand in hand when planning and designing an effective business continuity plan. IT being the backbone of any business, any disruption to it massively impacts your business. For smooth IT & business operations, it is imperative that every organisation must opt for a business continuity plan as a precautionary […]
Leveraging the Cloud for a very cost effective Disaster Recovery
Best Disaster Recovery Options for your Business
How a Disaster Recovery Plan is useful for Businesses beyond Disaster Recovery
Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan
Why Your Business Needs a Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster Recovery: Challenges and Solution Requirements for Business Continuity
Key areas that were discussed regarding the challenges and solution requirements for Disaster Recovery at our CIO event.
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Now Available to All Businesses
There was a time when Disaster Recovery was mostly for companies running extremely mission critical applications like banks and stock exchanges. But then every business needs to have a DR strategy in place.