What is DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service) & How It Ensures Business Continuity

How DRaaS Ensures Business Continuity

According to MunichRe, 2018 was the fourth-costliest year for natural disasters in the global history. And only half of the total cost of $160 billion was insured. The year 2017 was worse. That natural disaster season cost the U.S. economy a record $307 billion. IDC’s Worldwide Business Resilience Readiness Thought Leadership Survey uncovered that “93% […]

3 Questions to Ask Before Opting for Backup as a Service (BaaS)

3 Questions to Ask Before Opting for Backup as a Service (BaaS)

We are generating more data than we have ever done. Businesses, for instance, are recording customer and transaction information, digitising payroll, and supporting their operations through virtual tools. This is happening globally; the sum of data that is being created as a result is astonishing. A recent IDC research indicates that the amount of data […]