SAP HANA has witnessed a massive rise in the last few years as the preferred choice for most organizations when it comes to an ERP solution. More so, the need for Digital Transformation and gain competitive advantage, businesses now prefer SAP HANA on Cloud.

We are pleased to share that we have been chosen to host SAP on Progression Cloud by a leading Textile Manufacturing organization in Mumbai.

Established about four decades ago, our client has seen a massive growth to become a vertically & laterally integrated Textile Manufacturing Organization. Our client has stayed true to their vision of converting fibre to fashion and have become a one-stop shop for all needs related to textile right from textured yarns to stitched garments. Spread across metropolitan and offbeat locations, our client’s manufacturing units are carefully designed to deliver polyester yarns, gregie & finished fabrics and even ready made garments.

The client had been running SAP HANA on their premises for quite a while and their infrastructure was nearing technological obsolescence. To upgrade their SAP environment, our client made a strategic move of moving to Cloud. They started their look out for a Managed Service Partner who they could offshore the hosting & administrating of their SAP Environment. They had two main requirements, firstly, the Managed Service Partner is fairly experienced in migrating SAP HANA from On-premise to Cloud, and secondly, deep expertise in Managed Services & Cloud Hosting for mission-critical applications. Among the various providers they evaluated, Progression presented a strong case based on the flawless experience of working on Cloud, Data Centers and SAP for more than a decade. Among the Managed Services showcased, SAP HANA Infrastructure Monitoring & Management, partnership with SUSE for SAP HANA hosting ecosystem, HANA Dev, QA & Production setup, scheduled DR Drill for regular DR readiness Testing and and the ability to offer a dedicated environment for their SAP HANA application was an icing on the cake. After multiple rounds of discussion & evaluation, our client ultimately decided to go for SAP HANA on Progression Cloud.

Their SAP application is hosted in Progression’s state-of-the-art Tier 3+ compliant Data Center in Gurgaon, along with complete transparency backed by availability of round the clock Remote Infrastructure Monitoring & Management. 

We invite you to take FREE guided tour of the state-of-the-art Data Center—where Managed Hosting is a pleasure!  

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