Why Does One Need a Managed Services Provider for Public Cloud?

Public Cloud Managed Services

There is a burning question in the minds of most CIOs and IT Leaders today. Why does one even need a Managed Services Provider for Public Cloud? It’s not just one question now, there are follow up questions as well. Why can one not manage their own Public Cloud? Why must they not directly deal […]

4 Key Benefits of Remote Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

Progression Remote Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

In today’s day & age of digital transformation, most of the business functions, tasks, and jobs happen remotely in a distributed way. Most of the enterprises and SMBs want more output with less & less of input, from multiple geographical locations. Remote Infrastructure Monitoring & Management (RIMM) is an essential solution now in every CIO’s […]

4 Ways an MSP Helps in Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Progression Disaster Recovery

It is truly said, data is the new oil. As time progresses, we generate more data and the information becomes more important with every passing minute. Many organizations – big, medium & small – have adopted a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan and have freed up valuable time for their IT operations team to deliver more […]

Why This is the Right Time to Migrate to SAP S/4HANA

Migrate to SAP S/4HANA_Progression

SAP S/4 HANA is now one of the top most sought after ERPs in the world. The unprecedented advantage it offers to the users has been one of the many reasons that it has gained popularity quickly and the adoption rate is now higher than it has ever been. With the rising technologies such as […]

The Real Value that Comes with a Managed Services Provider

Progression Managed Services Provider

In today’s day and age, every business now relies heavily on their IT Infrastructure to be the primary enabler in terms of daily operations. Having an in-house IT Infrastructure is a double edged sword, while it may give you the complete control over your IT, it also comes with the possibilities of heavy losses should […]

Managed Services vs Outsourcing: What’s the Difference?

Managed Services vs Outsourcing

Ask any number of experts about Managed Services and you would probably get more than 100 different answers. However, all the answers will have some common trends & consistency. For IT leaders, Managed Services has become an important over the last few years. On the other hand Outsourcing has been in use for over three […]

A Leading Irrigation Equipment Manufacturer Opts for SAP on Cloud with Progression

Progression SAP on Cloud

We are elated to share that we have been chosen to host SAP S/4HANA on Cloud with Progression by one of the leading manufacturers of irrigation equipments in the world & headquartered in India. Founded approximately five decades ago, our client has established as one of the pioneers in the manufacturing of micro-irrigation components and […]

4 Important Trends for CIOs in 2021 and Beyond

Trends for CIOs in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant economic impact on companies all across the world. While the process of recovery is still on, CIOs & IT Leaders are looking to ramp up their digital business strategy and accelerate digital transformation. So, what are the best ways for leaders to manage this impact and make the […]

4 Proven Benefits of Remote Infrastructure Monitoring And Management

Remote Infrastructure Monitoring and Management

In the last one and a half years, the way of business operations have changed drastically. Be it working from home, hybrid model, or even work from office, things have changed. Businesses have adapted to the fluctuations these unprecedented times have brought upon us, and one of the things that have given reasonable comfort & […]

The Future is Here: RPA Use Cases Across Industries

RPA Use Cases Progression

Robotic Process Automation is a method that enables businesses to automate procedures and operations that would otherwise be performed by personnel. Robotic Process Automation has added great value to businesses today, from lightning-fast customer service to operational efficiency. Today’s CEOs are focusing on employing RPA to automate monotonous operations and delegating intellectual duties to humans. […]